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Compulsory Liability Insurances

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Compulsory Seat-Based Personal Accident Insurance for Highways Passenger Transportation

What does the Compulsory Seat-Based Personal Accident Insurance for Highways Passenger Transportation cover?
This insurance provides coverage for passengers traveling within the framework of intercity passenger transportation operations, as well as the drivers and aides involved, against the consequences of any accident that occurs during travel, including any stops, from the start to the end of the whole transportation service, subject to the General Terms of Compulsory Seat-Based Personal Accident Insurance for Highways Passenger Transportation. The carrier registered on the policy should hold the carrier license issued on the basis of the Highways Transportation Law No. 4925 dated 10.07.2003. The transportation of passengers should be carried out subject to the provisions of the law, save for cases where otherwise is necessary, while the vehicle used for transportation should be registered on the policy.
What coverage limits apply for the Compulsory Seat-Based Personal Accident Insurance for Highways Passenger Transportation?
The coverage limits are set by the Undersecretariat of Treasury and Foreign Trade, and are specified per-seat for the passengers, assigned driver and aides according to the motor vehicle used for the transportation.  Click here for a table of tariffs.

Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Highway Transportation

What does the Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Highway Transportation cover?
Through this insurance, the insurer provides coverage for the insured’s liability under the Highways Transportation Law No. 4925 dated 10.07.2003, up to the insurance figures specified on the policy, in case passengers traveling on the motor vehicle specified on the policy incur bodily harm as a result of an accident during the time frame between the departure location and the arrival location.
How are the tariff and procedures for Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Highways Passenger Transportation set?
The premiums and limits as well as the application principles of the Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Highways Passenger Transportation are set by the Undersecretariat of Treasury, and enter into force through publication in the Official Gazette. These are mandatory principles to be observed by all insurance firms.  Click here  for a table of tariffs.

Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Private Security

What does the Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Private Security cover?
Through the Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Private Security, the insurer covers the damages private security staff employed by the policy holder under the Law no. 5188 on Private Security Services may cause to third parties during the performance of their duties within the framework of the regulations concerning private security service, subject to the limit specified on the insurance policy.
What is the coverage limit extended under the Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Private Security?

Click here for a table of tariffs.

Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste

What does the Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste cover?
This insurance provides coverage up to the amounts specified on the policy, and subject to the General Terms of Liability Insurances to be Procured for Hazardous Materials, against the liabilities that legal and natural persons engaged in professions related to the hazardous materials specified in the Decision dated 11.03.2010 No. 2010/190 on the Liability Insurances to be Procured for Hazardous Materials may face as a result of an accident occurring due to their related professional operations, regardless of their fault in the event, with respect to the bodily and material damages third parties may incur directly.
What is the scope of the Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste?
This insurance provides coverage for the liabilities that legal and natural persons engaged in the production, storage, transportation, sale and use of any kind of inflammatory, combustible, explosive and incendiary natural or synthetic materials in solid, liquid or gas form, as well as legal and natural persons engaged in the collection, transportation, temporary and interim storage, recovery, reutilization, and disposal of hazardous wastes covered by the Environment Law No. 2872 dated 09.08.1983 may face, regardless of their fault in the event, with respect to the bodily and material damages third parties may incur as a result of accidents occurring during the performance of their related professional activities.
  • The following materials are covered by the insurance:
  • Petroleum and petroleum products
  • Ammunition and explosive materials
  • Fertilizers, chemical salts, acids, bases, dyes
  • Other chemicals (oxygen acetylene carbide, synthetic gasoline, nitrogen, peroxide, etc.)
  • Pyrotechnical materials except those sold in retail (lighting and signal flares, fireworks, firecrackers, caps for children toys)/p>
  • Any kind of spirits, alcohol and matches, save for those sold on a retail basis
  • Liquefied petroleum gases, compressed natural gas and coal gas
  • Other hazardous chemicals covered by the Environment Law No. 2872 but not noted above
  • Hazardous wastes covered by the Environment Law No. 2872
What are the coverage limits offered through the Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste?

Click here for a table of tariffs.

Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Bottled Gas

What does the Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Bottled Gas cover?

This insurance provides coverage for the liabilities that firms bottling Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) may face (regardless of their fault in the event) for any bodily and material damages caused by the bottled gas they fill out or procure, and supply to the consumers directly or via authorized dealers, which explode, leak gas, or cause a fire at the locations where they are kept, subject to the General Terms of Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Bottled Gas.

In which cases should Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Bottled Gas be procured?
This insurance should be procured by liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) distribution firms which store, bottle or transport LPG, and offer it to consumers directly or via their dealers, as a supplement to the Hazardous Materials Liability Insurance they are required to procure.
What is the coverage limit extended under the Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Bottled Gas?

Click here for a table of tariffs.

Compulsory Liability Insurance for Marine Pollution by Waterside Facilities

What does the Compulsory Liability Insurance for Marine Pollution by Waterside Facilities cover?
Through this insurance, the insurer shall provide coverage up to the insurance figures specified on the policy, for the legal liability the Policy Holder may incur under the provisions of Law No. 5312 dated 3.3.2005 on the Intervention in Emergencies Regarding the Pollution of Marine Environments with Petroleum and Other Hazardous Materials, and on the Principles of Indemnification for Damages, for cleaning costs, expenses incurred for the transportation and disposal of waste, damages caused by the injuries and death of third parties, and damages caused on private property, as a result of pollution or threat of pollution arising in internal waters, territorial waters, on the continental shelf, or exclusive economic zone of Turkey, in consequence of an event caused by the waterside facility specified on the policy. Any pollution which is not a sudden and unexpected development, as well as the consequences of gradual occurrence of pollution are not covered by the present insurance.
What is the coverage limit extended under the Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Marine Pollution by Waterside Facilities?

Click here for a table of tariffs.

Compulsory Liability Insurance for Medical Malpractice

What does the Compulsory Liability Insurance for Medical Malpractice cover?

This insurance agreement provides coverage subject to the limits stipulated on the policy, for physicians, dentists, and other specialists subject to the medical specialization regulations, who are self-employed, or who work at public or private medical institutions or entities under the provisions of Appendix 12 of the Law No. 1219, against insurance claims raised during the term of the contract regarding the performance of their profession specified on the policy, during the 10 years predating the contract date or during the term of the contract, as well as any associated trial costs and interest to be ruled, not to mention the reasonable costs regarding the insurance claim raised against the insured.

Who is required to get Compulsory Liability Insurance for Medical Malpractice?

Physicians, dentists, and other specialists subject to medical specialization regulations who are self-employed or who work in public or private medical institutions, are required to procure this policy to provide coverage against the damages they may cause during the performance of their profession.

What are the coverage limits extended and what is the premium charged for Compulsory Liability Insurance for Medical Malpractice?

Click here for a table of tariffs.

The information and documents you may need with respect to the product you are interested in are provided below. Should you have any questions, you can get more detailed information by contacting our nearest agency.

Compulsory Seat-Based Personal Accident Insurance for Highways Passenger Transportation

Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Highway Transportation

Compulsory Liability Insurance for Medical Malpractice

Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Private Security

Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste

Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Bottled Gas

Compulsory Liability Insurance for Marine Pollution by Waterside Facilities